HIIT 110617
Tuesday, 06Nov17
Warm-up: 2rds
1:30 Jump Rope
- Dynamic Squats
- Groiner w/ T-stab
- Mtn Climbers
- Push-up to Down Dog
3 min Foam Roll Upper/Lower Body
Pre-game: 6 min
- — > Forward Bear Crawl w/Sandbag Drag
- 10 Sandbag Shoulder Pass (kneeling Lunge)
- <— Backward Bear Crawl w/Sandbag Drag
- 10 Sandbag Shoulder Pass (kneeling Lunge)
Workout: Met-con Triplets (3 min)
- Jumping Pull-ups / Push-ups / Kneeling Slam-ball 20-20-20 x3 = 3min
Rest 1 min
- KB Swings / Burpees / Goblet squats 20-20-20 x3 = 3min
Rest 1 min
- Figure 8 to Hold / High-pulls / OH Carry 20-20-20 x3 = 3min
Rest 1 min
- Mtn Climbers / Hollow-out / Sit-outs 20-20-20 x3 = 3min