HIIT 091919

Thursday, 19Sept19

Group Warm-up: 15 minutes

Run the Loop with renaming time AMRAP these three movements

  • 3 Pull-ups
  • 6 Push-ups
  • 9 Air Squats
  • 12 Sit-ups


Workout: 30 Minute Cap

Perform the following couplets in the order below take 1:30 seconds rest between couplets while the clock continues to tic toc

  • Burpees in ascending order 1-10 & Wall Ball descending order 10-1
  • Deadlifts in ascending order 1-10 & Box Jumps  in descending order 10-1
  • Slamball in ascending order 1-10 & Bear Crawl in descending order 10-1

* Bear Crawl width of gym = 1

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