Monday, 23Nov20
Group Warm-up 2 rounds of:
30 seconds…….
- Air Squats
- Forward/Rear Lunge (switch@rounds)
- Groiners to T-Stab
- Push-up to Knee Tap
- Crab Reaches
- Hollow Out
1:30 minute Jump Rope
Pre-game: 8 minutes
25 BB Shoulder Press (off rack)
* pick a weight where you can do no more than 5 reps per set
then with the remaining time AMRAP this
- 5 Chin-ups
- 10 Trx Face-pulls
- :20’s Battle Rope
Circuit – 30/15 4rds
- H2H Swings
- KB High Pulls
- Renegade Row
- Box Jumps
- KB Figure 8 to Hold
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