Monday, 30Nov20
Group Warm-up:
Jump Rope 1:30
- Dynamic Squats
- Forward/Back Skips
- Alt. Lateral Lunges
- Groiner w/ T-stab
- Puppy Pose
- Hollow Rock
This will be a ladder routine performed in increments of Two’s
10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 reps:
- BB Push Press
- DB Front Squat
- Lateral Box Jumps (alt sides)
- DB Renegade Row w/ Push-up
- KB Swings
Total Finisher Time: 6 minutes
:20’s work, :10’a rest, 3 rounds
- Split Jumps
- Burpees
- High Knees
- Plank Climbers
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