December 3, 2021
Group Warm-up (3RDs)
- 30 Seal jacks
- 25 Air Squats
- 20 Alt rear Lunges (10/10)
- 15 band Pull A-parts
- 10 Plank jacks
- 5 Walkouts to a Push-up
Full Body Friday
Workout – AMRAPs
Perform the movements in each AMRAP for 8 minutes each. Take 2 minutes rest between AMRAPs.
- #1
- 5 Deadlifts
- 5 Burpees o/ the Bar
- #2
- 5 BB/DB Floors Press
- 10 Push-ups
- #3
- 5 Goblet Squats
- 10 Split Jumps (5R/ 5L)
- #4
- 5 Hang Squat Clean
- 10 TRX Reclines
Posted in AMRAP, Barbell Training, Bodyweight, Burpees, Full Body Strength, Hang Squat Cleans, Heavy Day, Strength, TRX