February 26, 2023
Open Gym Only
Warm-up (3 RDs)
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Dynamic Squats
- 20 Alt Lunges (10/10)
- 20 Band Pull A-parts
- 10 Groiners w/ T-stab
- 10 Alt Bird Dog
- 10 Up Dog/ Down Dog
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
- KB Swings
- Air Squats (use Wall Ball & squat to the ball)
- Med Ball Sit-ups
- Med Ball Jacks
- Mountain Climbers (R+L=1)
- 1 min Jump Rope/ Bike/ Ski/ Row between rounds
- Finish all reps of each movement before moving onto the the next movement each round. For example, complete 50 swings before moving to the air squats.
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