June 3, 2023

Group Warm-up

  • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 20 Jumping Jacks
    • 20 Skater Hops
  • 200 m Run then 2 rounds…
    • 20 Alt Lunges (10/10)
    • 10 PVC Good Mornings
  • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 10 Superman Pulses
    • 5 Tempo Push-ups


20 sec work/ 10 sec rest x 4 rounds

    • Push-up Hold
    • Chin-up Hold
    • Hollow Out

Workout – The Batman

Buy In: 100 Air Squats

50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10

    • Box Jumps
    • Wall Balls
    • KB Swings
    • 200 m Run

Buy Out: 4 Rds of 5 Deadlifts