October 2, 2023

Group Warm-up (2 Rds)

    • 1 min Jump Rope/ 200 m Run
    • 25 Dynamic Squats
    • 25 Seal Jacks
    • 25 Air Squats
    • 15 Band Pull A-parts
    • 10 Plank to Alt Toe Tap
    • 5 Alt Bird Dog (5/5)


20 – 15 – 10 – 5

    • Floor Press
    • Push-up on DBs
    • Squat Jumps
    • Banded Row (Attach Bande to Squat Rack)
    • Plank Climbers
  • 200 m Run each round

Finisher (4 Rds)

    • 10 Hammer Curls
    • 10 Banded Tricep Push Downs
    • 30 sec Hammer Hold
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