Mon Jan 29,2024

Group Warm-up

  • 400 m Ski/ 2 min bike/rope then 2 rounds of
    • 20 Skips
    • 20 Air Squats
    • 20 Alt Lateral Lunges
    • 10 Stiff Leg March
    • 20 Band Pull A-parts
    • 10 Up Dog/ Down Dog
    • 20 seal jacks

Pre-Game AMRAP (12 min)

    • 4 HEAVY Thrusters
    • 8 Push-ups (on DBs)
    • 12 Front to Lateral Raise

Workout – Conditioning Triplets

25 sec work/ 10 sec rest 4 rounds at each triplet. Take 2 min between triplets to Ski 200 m/2 min bike or rope and rest.

  • Triplet #1
    • Inertia wave
    • Inertia wave Jacks or seal jacks
    • Squat Jumps
  • Triplet #2
    • KB Goblet Squats
    • KB Two Handed Push Press
    • KB Squat Clean
  • Triplet #3
    • Plank Jacks on BOSU
    • Push-ups
    • mountain climbers on BOSU

Core Finisher:2 Rds

  • 20 KB Slingshot
  • 20 situps w/ med ball
  • 20 bicycle crunches
  • 20 v-Ups


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