Sunday funday jan 14,2024( optional)

Group Warm-up: 2 Rds

200 m ski/ 1 min rope/bike

  • 10 sitouts
  • 10 toe taps
  • 10 up/dwn dog
  • 10 band pull aparts
  • 10 jumping jacks


Pre-game: 12 Minute

18-12-6-4 reps

  • KB Two Handed Squat Clean Thruster
  • 1 minute Jump Rope between each set

Workout AMRAP 20 min

16 squat with dumbell front raise

16 alt single leg crunch 8l/8r

16 alt glute bridge chest press 8l/8r

16 side to side squat w/bicep curl 8l/8r

16 hammer curl to shoulder press


Core finisher:2 rds

25 crunches

24 plank bird dogs

24 mountain climbers on bosu

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