Tues Feb 13,2024 Gym is open please wear boots and change into sneakers when you get here to avoid floors getting slippery thanks

Group Warm-up

    • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 20 Dynamic Squats
    • 20 Jumping Jacks
    • 20 Alt Forward Lunges (10/10)
    • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of
    • 20 Arm Circles
    • 15 Band Pull A-parts
    • 10 Shoulder Taps

Pre-Game (12 min)

    • 6-8 Strict Press
    • 6-8 BB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
    • 10 Weighted Toe Touches
    • 10 Weighted Alt V-ups

Couplets Workout

20 sec work/ 10 sec rest x 6 rounds @ each

    • Battle Ropes/ Squat Jumps
    • Knee landmine Press / DB Row
    • Ski/ Bike Sprint
  • 1 min rest between couplets

Core Finisher:

  • 20 situps on BOSU
  • 20 elbow to knee on BOSU
  • 10 Plank w/leg lift on BOSU
  • 10 Plank w/ rock side to side on BOSU
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