Tues March 19,2024

Group Warm-up

  • 2 min Jump Rope then 2 rounds @ 30 sec each of
    • High Knees
    • Butt Kickers
    • Dynamic Squats
    • Stiff Leg March
    • Arm Circles
    • Groiners w/ T-stab

Strength Pre-Game (5 Rds)

    • 5 Back Squats
    • Sled Sprint <—>

Circuit Workout

35 sec work/ 15 sec rest x 5 rounds


    • KB Shoulder Pass
    • Wall Balls
    • Box Jumps
    • rear lunges
    • Ski/ Row
  • Take 1 min rest after 3 rounds.

Optional Extra Credit Finisher

Complete 3 rounds using a Dynamax ball for all movements.

    • 20 Air Squats (to the ball)
    • 15 Sit-ups w/ OH Reach
    • 10 Alt V-ups
    • 5 Glute Bridges (1 foot on the ball) (5r/5l)
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