Tues May 21,2024

Group Warm-up

    • 200 m Run
    • Broad jumps <—>
    • Stiff Leg March <—>
    • 200 m Run
    • Skips <—>
    • Walking Lunges <—>
    • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 10 PVC Pass Through
    • 10 Push thru Push-ups
    • 10 Banded Face-pulls
    • 10 Banded Lat Pull Downs


20 sec work/ 10 sec active recovery x 4 rounds

    • Air Squats/ Squat Hold
    • Jumping Pull-ups/ Pull-up Hold
    • Alt V-ups/ Hollow Out
    • Calf Raises w DB’S/ Hold
  • Stay on movement for 4 rounds w/ 30 sec rest between each station. Perform each movement for 20 sec and the hold for the 10 sec active recovery.

Circuit Workout

30 sec work/ 10 sec rest x 4 rounds

    • KB Clean & Press
    • Burpees
    • KB swings
    • Box Jumps
    • Turkish Sit-ups (alt side each rd)
  • Take 1 min rest after 2 rounds


  • 20 ball slams
  • 20 mtn climbers
  • 20 russian twists
  • 10 knee-knee-doub -knee

Stretch 2 rds

  • 30 sec hamstring stretch
  • 30 sec knee to chest rt
  • 30 sec knee to chest lft
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