ROD 072312


Monday, 23Jul12


Manic Monday II

This will be a timed set of 40 seconds of work / 20 seconds recovery for 4 rounds with a 2 minute rest after 2 rounds.

  • KB Bent Over Rows (alt r/l at rounds)
  • KB Swings
  • KB Forward to Rear Lunge (alt r/l at rounds)
  • DB Umpas (moderate weight)
  • Push-ups (with an opposite arm/leg raise at the top)
  • Lateral DB Thrusters


Athlete ROD

Barbell Bear Complex

7 sets of:

  • Power Cleans (from floor) to Front Squat to Push Press to Back Squat to Push Press
This is done one movement right after another consecutively. This is for 5 rounds… rest between rounds as needed.


This is an abstract from the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism which does scientific studies on exercise and nutrition. 


Original Research Abstract

Two Minutes of Sprint-Interval Exercise Elicits 24-hr Oxygen Consumption Similar to That of 30 min of Continuous Endurance Exercise

2012, 22, 276 – 283

Six weeks (3 times/wk) of sprint-interval training (SIT) or continuous endurance training (CET) promote body-fat losses despite a substantially lower training volume with SIT. In an attempt to explain these findings, the authors quantified VOduring and after (24 h) sprint-interval exercise (SIE; 2 min exercise) vs. continuous endurance exercise (CEE; 30 min exercise). VOwas measured in male students (= 8) 8 times over 24 hr under 3 treatments (SIE, CEE, and control [CTRL, no exercise]). Diet was controlled. VOwas 150% greater (< .01) during CEE vs. SIE (87.6 ± 13.1 vs. 35.1 ± 4.4 L O2± SD). The observed small difference between average exercise heart rates with CEE (157 ± 10 beats/min) and SIE (149 ± 6 beats/min) approached significance (= .06), as did the difference in peak heart rates during CEE (166 ± 10 beats/min) and SIE (173 ± 6 beats/min; = .14). Total Oconsumed over 8 hr with CEE (263.3 ± 30.2 L) was greater (< .01) than both SIE (224.2 ± 15.3 L; < .001) and CTRL (163.5 ± 16.1 L; < .001). Total Owith SIE was also increased over CTRL (< .001). At 24 hr, both exercise treatments were increased (< .001) vs. CTRL (CEE = 500.2 ± 49.2; SIE = 498.0 ± 29.4; CTRL = 400.2 ± 44.6), but there was no difference between CEE and SIE (= .99). Despite large differences in exercise VO2, the protracted effects of SIE result in a similar total VOover 24 hr vs. CEE, indicating that the significant body-fat losses observed previously with SIT are partially due to increases in metabolism postexercise.

If you don’t understand this abstract, I will break it down for you in person.