ROD 030310


Wednesday, 03Mar10


Repeat of Tuesdays ROD … Enjoy

Perform each movement in each triplet for 20 seconds non-stop for three rounds.

Complete one triplet, rest for 1:30 and move on to the next triplet and do the same.

Go through each triplet at least 2x’s.

Triplet #1

  • Kettlebell clean R
  • Kettlebell clean L
  • Mountain climbers

Triplet #2

  • Kettlebell high pulls
  • Kettlebell thrusters
  • Forearm to plank push-up

Triplet #3

  • Air squats
  • Half burpees
  • Star jumps  

During the last three months we have been training the boys baseball team with positive results. Here are some of the cast.

 Alex     Michael    Kevin

 Tom    Nick            Tom

These guys have come a long way, and I feel sorry for their opponents this baseball season.