ROD 032510


Thursday, 25Mar10


Tabata Boxing

A timed 2 min of WORK at each station.  The last 30 seconds of each station everyone will do a movement called out by the trainer such as burpees, mini push-ups, V’s…… 

No rest between stations. We want 100% maximium effort from all the participants

  • Ring push-ups
  • B-A-G
  • Burpees  
  • KB bottoms up curls & press 12K men/ 8k women
  • B-A-G
  • Hit Mitt w Juan
  • Sit-ups
  • B-A-G
  • Keg overhead presses
  • KB swings
  • B-A-G


Do Not confuse this as high intensity interval training!!

Walking is not exercise, not even if you’re old or severely out of shape. Walking is like breathing. You HAVE to do it every day and you do, do it every day to get from A to B. It’s our normal existence. And who really thinks that swinging around 2 lbs will make them lose weight? Self denial is potent anti-medicine and cures nothing! Glad ya’ll are reading this – for you have found a better way!  Nxt Level Performance H.I.I.T. Training!!



What Food Cravings Mean and How To Control Them

Is this what happens when “The Crave” hits?

Craving: an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing

 We’ve all been there. You have a sudden, intense urge to eat something sweet or salty. It’s never broccoli. It’s probably not a salad. It’s nearly always chocolate. Or french fries.  Or ice cream. Or pretzels. Potato chips. You name it…if it’s unhealthy, there’s probably been a time when you just had to have it. Where do these cravings come from and how can you keep them at bay without devouring the entire pumpkin pie?

 It’s What You Crave

The big thing to note about a craving is that it’s not just a desire to eat. It’s not mere hunger. A craving is for a very specific food and nothing else will satisfy your need. When your stomach is growling and you’re famished, any food will do. When your brain is saying “I NEED THIS!,” only that particular food will work. Or will it?

A sharp, intense craving typically means that your body is lacking in some essential nutrient. It may be a particular vitamin or mineral or if you’re having a hypoglycemic response to a high-sugar meal, it may be glucose that your body demands. Here’s a list of commonly craved foods, many you may crave at some point in time, and what they may be saying about your nutritional status. Even better, here are much more healthful foods that will shore up those nutritional deficiencies.

Control Your Cravings

Crave This? You Need This… So Eat This.
Chocolate Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits
Bread Nitrogen High protein foods: fish, meat, nuts, beans
Alcohol, recreational drugs Protein Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, nuts
Salty Foods Chloride Raw goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt
Coffee or tea Phosphorus Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes

The complete list is here at 2nd Wind Body Science. What you’ll notice by looking over the list is that the very foods that serve as healthful stand-ins for the craved foods are invariably Real Foods. Organ meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seafood, red meat, legumes, and a couple mentions of grain (which I’ll let slide). Nearly everything on the list that you should be eating is unprocessed.

Controlling Your Cravings

It’s funny, I no longer find myself having cravings for sweet and salty snacks for the most part (unless I have a couple drinks too many, then it’s anybody’s game). In fact, if I eat too much junk, I find myself going “I just want a big ol’ salad to get back on track.” As evidenced by the list above, a big part of controlling food cravings is eating a nutrient-rich, Real Foods diet. As we’ve seen, cravings are often the result of the body’s desire for specific vitamins and minerals. So it follows logically that a diet full of the necessary vitamins and minerals is going to knock down most cravings.

Here’s a trick that has been proven in a study to improve willpower: take a picture. This article by Douglas Robb of Health Habits shows that dieters taking pictures are less likely to overeat.

One volunteer told the researchers: ‘I had to think more carefully about what I was going to eat because I had to take a picture of it. ‘I was less likely to have a jumbo bag of M&Ms. It curbed my choices. It didn’t alter them completely but who wants to take a photo of a jumbo bag of M&Ms?’ Another volunteer said the photo diaries actually improved the quality of his diet.

Personally, stick with just eating a high-quality diet that keeps me from needing to worry much about willpower.

Do you have specific foods that you crave? How do you deal with your cravings?