ROD 092010
Monday, 20Sept10
The Monday morning 10:00am class is cancelled today. It will resume on Wednesday morning at 10:00 am. All other classes will run as scheduled. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Triple Triplets
20/20/20 work for 3 minutes at each triplet with a 1 minute rest in between each set of triplets.
- KB Snatch L or single arm swing L
- KB Snatch R or single arm swing R
- KB Alternating single arm swings (letting go at the top of the swing & catch)
1 minute rest
- DB High Pull
- DB Thrusters
- DB Runners
1 minute rest
- Air Squats
- Half Burpees
- Diamond sit-ups
Take another 1 minute rest and perform another round.
“I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry.” Unknown
Military Fitness Gurus Tell Troops: You’re Too Flabby For CrossFit
More troops than ever are flipping tractor tires, lobbing 50-pound kettle bells and conquering the Three Bars of Death in an effort to become “tougher, faster, hard-bodied freedom fighter[s].” But some of them are also working out until they puke, faint or suffer permanent organ damage. Now, a team of medical researchers have a message for recruits: You’re probably not fit enough for CrossFit … Continue reading