ROD 121710


Friday, 17Dec10

The 10am morning class has been cancelled today. Please excuse us for any inconvienence.


Frantic Friday

In 20 minutes…

Get as many rounds as you can of…

  • kettlebell swings 5r/5l
  • kettlebell cleans 5r/5l
  • kettlebell presses 5r/5l
  • 10 kettlebell high pulls 
  • 50 jump rope rotations


If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything. ~  Win Borden


These are some of the movements we perform here in our GYM.

   Swimmers…. we love ’em


     OHHHHHH!!! That stretch is a little to deep.

   The pain of fatigue

    Coaching the overhead lunge

        Follow the G L U T E leader

Well these are just a few of our programs & clients.