ROD 123010
Thursday, 30Dec10
Geezer workout
3 rounds of the below movements…
- 10 pull ups
- 15 DB presses
- 20 kb deadlift
- 25 ball slams
- 30 sit ups
- 100 r/l combintaion punches
No time on these exercises, we want good form & execution. All in a timely manner.
Athletic Dynamic Warm-up = 1 round
- Medball chops
- MB Squat & push
- 15 Supine lying leg raises
- S/L Hip raises – hip raises on forearms
- Seated arm motion drill
- Foward/backward lunge with an opposite overhead reach
- Side lunges with a skip
- Frog thrusts (15 reps x 2)
- Inchworm ( we call it “ouch” worm )
- 20 pushups ( 10 regular, 5 fingers facing in /5 out )
- Fast Feet drill
Awesome Dynamic Met-Con Routine = 2 rounds (if you can)
- 45 Jumping jacks… 15 reg/ 15 seal jumps/ 15 flings
- Gate swings 20 reg / 20 feet crossed
- 10 Burpees
- Push-ups 10 reg / 5 fingers in / 5 fingers out
- One minute high knees in place
- 25 Mtn climbers
- 15 Frog thrusts
- 15 Thrusters
- 20 KB swings
~ OR ~
Work/Rest intervals :
3 rds No Rest In between Rounds !!!!
Here’s the circuit:
- Bear Crawls (forward & backward)
- KB Snatch (5r/5l)
- Inchworm
- Medball Clean and Slam
- KB See Saw Rows (heavy)
- Bear Crawls (forward & backward)