ROD 020711
Monday, 07Feb11
Monday Triplets
Perform each movement in each triplet for 20 seconds non-stop for three rounds.
Complete one triplet, rest for 1 min and move on to the next triplet and do the same.
Go through each triplet at least 2x’s.
Triplet #1
- Kettlebell swings
- Dumbbell highpulls
- Mountain climbers
Triplet #2
- Dumbbell thrusters
- DB Alternating rear lunges
- Plank climbers
Triplet #3
- Air squats
- Half burpees
- Quick in & outs
Athletes ROW
Warm up: Perform 2 rounds
- Medball chops
- MB Squat & push
- MB Push-ups
- Lying glute bridge w/ alt leg raises
- Crab Holds
- 15 Straight lying leg raises r/l
- Quadraped straight leg abductions
- Quick steps In & Outs
- Back & forth runners in Place
- Length of gym wheel barrels
- Piggy Backs
- Explosive Hurdle Jumps & land
- 2 inch Fast Feet
Athletes ROD
30:15 work/rest ratio for 3 rounds with 1 min rest between.
- DB Thrusters
- Lateral hurdles (quick steps) w/ DB’s
- Lateral crossover step ups with overhead DB presses
- Renegade rows
- DB curls w/lateral band walks
- SB Chest presses