ROD 011412


Saturday 14Jan12


Pre Party Ladder

10 rounds for time. 10 reps of each in the first, 9 in the second, 8 in the third and so on through one rep of each. This is going to kick your ass.

  • Dbl KB swings (now that you learned how… Do it!!)
  • Half burpees
  • KB shoulder passes (1 shoulder=1 rep) Let’s go heavy now…
  • Box Jumps
  • Mt. Climbers (r+l = 1 rep)


Athletes ROD

60 seconds work / 30 seconds rest / 3 rounds of:

  • Reclines to over head pull
  • 3-D Box Jumps
  • 5 dot drill
  • KB shoulder passes to a squat (1 pass / 1 rep)
  • Walkouts to a 1 rep mtn.
