ROD 022312
Thursday, 23Feb12
These exercises will be done in 5 minute circuit and will change every circuit as the class progresses with a 1 minute rest between circuits.
Circuit A
- Dbl DB Pushup to
- Renegade Row to
- Bear Crawl forward and reverse repeat for 5 minutes
Circuit B
- Dbl DB Thruster to
- DB Pushups to
- DB Renegade Row to
- Bear Crawl f/r repeat for 5 minutes
Circuit C
- 5 Dbl KB Clean and Jerk to
- 5 Windmill alt r/l to
- 20 Mtn. Climbers repeat for 5 minutes
Circuit D
- 5 Dbl KB outside swings to
- 5 Rear Lunge r/l to
- 5 Deadlift jumps to
- 10 Sit-outs repeat for 5 minutes…Done
Ready for Anything Training!!!!!
This Super Boxing X-Treme class is a 1 hour ass kicking circuit that will leave you in a puddle of sweat.
Your cardiorespiratory and muscle strength will benefit from our motivational, challenging and fun circuit training set to energetic music.
Let’s see what you’ve got!!!!