ROD 053012
It’s going to start heating up!
The weather is getting hotter, expect the temperture in the gym to do the same.
Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate, all day.
Bring water and towel with you to class!
Wednesday, 30May12
Over the Hump
This is a 30 second work / 20 second recovery for 4 rounds with a 1:30 minute rest after 2 rounds
- Reclines
- Shuttle Ropes (shuttle 3 steps right and 3 steps left while making waves)
- Dynamax Overhead Alternating Step and Wall Toss
- DB Thrusters
- T Stab Push-ups
- KB Racked Reverse Lunge (alternate between rounds r/l)
Trim Down Update…
So how have you been doing with your eating plans? We know some of you are doing the Weight Watchers plan and some of you are going solo. Whichever way your going we want to hear from you about your success. The comment area is an easy way to communicate weight loss success stories. We hope these stories will provide all who visit our site, with the inspiration and motivation to make the changes that will make your life healthier and happier! So Please, if you have a weight loss success story, share it with us and tell us about it. We would love to hear your story!