ROD 121412


Friday, 14Dec12


Team Hurricane 

3 person teams will be assigned as you set up for this routine. Team member #1 of each group will start at the ropes and cheer their team mate through the 1st interval while team member #2 skips rope lightly and gets ready for his all out turn at the rope. Once they finish the next team mate will start the interval and so on… There will be always 1 team member recovering fully during the interval. After all teams members have each completed the 3 intervals there will be a 1 minute recovery period. You will then move on to the next set of interval exercises.

Interval 1-3

  • Battling Ropes (rope slams) for 20 seconds
  • 20 reps of Tornado twists
  • 10 Push-ups

Interval 4-6

  • Battling Ropes (speed alt. hands) for 20 seconds
  • 15 Ball Slams
  • 10 Reclines

Interval 7-9

  • Battling Ropes (ins & outs)
  • 20 Lying MB Toe Reaches (legs locked out)
  • DB Push Press
