ROD 031813


Monday, 18Mar13


The Day After (SPD) Couplets

  • 35/35/25 work/work/rest
  • 30/30/20
  • 25/25/15
  • 20/20/10

Of the following movements:

  • Reclines / Ball Slams / rest
  • Wall Ball / Speed Wall Passes to Squat Thrusts / rest
  • KB Cleans (r) / KB Cleans (l) / rest
  • KB Front Squats / KB Swings / rest
  • Alternating Anterior (slamball) Reaches w/ OH Press / Slam Ball Thrusters / rest


Juevo’s ROD – If you can do less than 6 reps it’s too heavy, do more than 8 reps too light. Choose your weight wisely. That means go heavy, if you have a spotter even better.

Super Set each couplet (set) and rest 120 – 180 seconds between sets for proper recovery. Rest same between couplets.

Incline Bench – 3×6-8 reps (stepper with 1 riser)
Weighted Wide Grip Dips – 3×6-8 reps (lean forward in the movement, set up dip station just wider than shoulder width)

Shoulder Press – 3×6-8 reps (strict, no leg involvement) shoulder width grip
DB Seated Bent Over Lateral Raises – 3×6-8 reps (slight bend in elbows)

Weighted (vest and chains) Narrow Push-ups – 3×6-8 reps (elbows back)
Tricep Band Speed Push-Downs – 3×30 seconds (med bands- start strict end screwy)