ROD 032013


Wednesday, 20Mar13



Every minute on the minute for 18 minutes

  • 7 Kettlebell Swings
  • 5 Burpees
  • 3 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters


Juevo’s ROD

If you can do less than 6 reps it’s too heavy, do more than 8 reps too light. Choose your weight wisely. That means go heavy, if you have a spotter even better.

Super Set each couplet (set) and rest 120 – 180 seconds between sets for proper recovery. Rest same between couplets.

  • Horizontal Reclines – 4×6-8
  • Double KB Rows – 4×6-8


  • Barbell Good Mornings (strict) 3×6-8
  • Hang Barbell High Pulls 3×6-8 (bar starts at thigh height)


  • Barbell Deadlifts – 3×6-8
  • Ab work (pick your own)