ROD 061113
Tuesday, 11Jun13
6:30 & 8:30 pm
Tabata Tuesday
The Barbell & Me
This is a 20 second work /10 second recovery for 8 rounds at each station with a 1 minute rest in between.
- Barbell Bent Over Rows
- Barbells Lateral Hops w/Squat Thrusts
- Barbell Thrusters
- Barbell RDL (romanian deadlift)
- Barbell Push-ups
7:30 pm
So What is a Warm-Up Anyway?
A warm up should be workout dependent and vary based on an individual’s physical needs.
A warm-up should be relatively short and consist of light-moderate intensity exercises (and mobility) that are specific to the workout ahead. Remember this is a WARM-UP — not a workout — and the whole point of a warm-up is to prepare your body to work hard with minimal risk of injury or DOMS (delayed onset of muscular soreness).
What Does a Warm-Up Entail?
Do you warm-up before a heavy lifting session the same way you do for an intense cardio or body-movement workout? No (at least I hope not).
When programming a warm-up, it is important to ensure it targets the appropriate structures and gets the relevant muscles moving and prepares them for the upcoming physical demands.
In order to avoid injury and be the best recreational athlete you can be, it is your responsibility to do what you need to and it is a coach’s job to help you.
In addition to being workout dependent (heavy squats or sprints?), warm-ups can also vary based on the individual. Past injuries or specific structural weaknesses need to be addressed during the warm-up by incorporating the appropriate stretches/exercises.
If you have lower back issues, for example, make sure you get it properly warmed and loosened up. If your hips are notoriously tight , roll them out! Know and understand your body to prep it accordingly.
Come in 5-10 minutes early to work on it, or simply ask your instructor for his/her permission to modify/add to the warm-up.
If you are worried about being an inconvenience or insulting your coach/trainer, stop it. In order to avoid injury and be the best you can be, it is your responsibility to do what you need to and it is a coach’s job to help you. However, be considerate and don’t use this as an excuse to ignore what your coach prescribes; if you have a weakness you know you need to address, let them know. It may seem like too much of a hassle or unrealistic for a busy schedule, but in the end if it prevents injury and enables you to keep doing what you love, it is certainly worth it.
What A Warm-Up Isn’t
The warm-up is not a mini-workout and it definitely it shouldn’t be “for time” or include max effort sprints, heavy lifts or any other highly technical skills. Save that for the workout!
We all want results (why else would we be in the gym?), and it can be tempting to up the intensity of the warm-up or skip it all together to get them. After all, we’ve all been told the importance of high intensity workouts and know that significant results aren’t born from gentle exercises.
While this is true, it is not a reason to turn the warm-up into something it isn’t. The workout should be intense of course, but in order to properly prepare yourself for it and decrease risk of injury/DOMS, you need to WARM-UP properly.