ROD 010614
Monday, 06Jan14
For 12 minutes – Partner A performs as Partner B rests. Go as fast as possible when your turn comes. When resting, watch each others forms. Correct the movement, when needed, while encouraging one another to keep the intensity up during the routine. All Kettlebell transitions are long cycle. When possible, pair up with someone of equal strength and intensity.
- 10 Double Swings
- 8 Double Swing to Cleans
- 6 Double Swing to Clean & Push Press
Rest 3 minutes… then perform the following
- 20 Dynamax Ball Squats (ball at chest height)
- 16 Dynamax Burpees
- 12 Dynamax Ball Slams
On the Dynamax cycle choose a heavy (16# +) for the squats, medium (10# +) for the burpees and for the Ball Slams. On the dynamax burpees make sure you lower yourself slowly on the ball.