ROD 042814
Monday, 28 Apr14
Killa’ Monday
Five exercises: Moderate weight /All Barbell Romanian Dead-lifts – Groiners – Hang Cleans – Thrusters – Half-Burpees
Descending Time Intervals: 60 second work / 50 / 40/ 30/ 20 with a 20 second recovery throughout.
NO Rest other than recovery. Trainer’s attention to the clock is crucial.
The Next Level North Shore Experience
There has been a lot of talk about the North Shore and the South Shore NLP’s. Who is going to train at which site, what member is going here and there and how many of us are going to split the experience right down the middle. Now c’mon guy’s. The reason we have the North NLP is to spread the experience of NLP to those who don’t know who we are and what we can bring into their fitness experience. Yes, we will be more convenient for those who have to schlep to us from the north. But more-so we depend on you, the current member, to teach the newbies at the North NLP on how we do things and how much more fitter they can become just by attending our group fitness classes. Our promise is that our training will remain consistent whether you take classes in the north or south. Our trainers will always bring you the best to your training experience, no matter where you go.
After 5 plus years in the making, we have developed an integrated system of fitness that uses minimal equipment and yields incredible results in minimal time. Our programs are adaptable to all levels of fitness and ability and can be performed anywhere. Our main goal is to share our system with as much as our community around Staten Island as we possibly can. Not many Staten Islanders know of us and our system and we want to increase NLP awareness. We have since evolved into two facilities of over 4,500 square feet of the best in fitness programming. So yes, let’s spread the word but stop thinking of us as two separate entities. We may be at two locations but we are still one fitness experience.