ROD 100914
Thursday, October 9, 2014
10 seconds High Knee Sprints
5 second rest – on the ground lying facedown (drop to the ground as if doing a burpee)
*perform for 16 cycles – total 4 minutes
Three- 6 minute Rds (1 minute rest between rds) – 21 minutes
- 10 Overhead Walking Lunge with Plate (45/25)
- 20 Plate Squats (45/25) – Held at Chest
- 30 Reclines
- 40 Jumping Jacks
- 3 Rope climbs
20/10 Non-stop 2 rds (complete each exercise 2X, then move on) – 5 minutes
- Hand Release Clapping Push-ups
- Sit-outs
- Lunge Jumps
- Plank Climbers
- Umpas