HIIT 111615
Monday, 16Nov15 – last posted Wednesday, 21Oct15 o
This begins HIIT week…….This Benchmark workout was last posted on 10/21/15. If you couldn’t complete each round as prescribed use the same weight (see white board), if you completed each round as prescribed increase your weight. If this is your first time performing this workout select a challenging weight for the Clean & Press and KB Swings and post your completion time to your post card.
EMOM Ladder – 24 rounds
- MINUTE # 1: 4 BB Clean & Press(add 1 rep each round- total of 11 reps at the completion of the 8th rd
- MINUTE # 2: 8 Burpees (add 1 rep each round – Total of 15 reps at the completion of the 8th rd)
- MINUTE # 3: 16 KB Swings (add 1 rep each round- total of 23 reps at the completion of the 8th rd)