HIIT 051616
Monday, 16May16
2 Rounds of: 2:30 minute Jump Rope
- Squat to Rear Lunge (r) (stay in squat position when lunging)
- Squat to Rear Lunge (l) (stay in squat position when lunging)
- Squat Jumps
- Walkouts to Push-ups (hands stay in contact with ground)
- Alternating Groiner to T-Stab
- Crab Reaches (r)
- Crab Reaches (l)
Sweet Sweat
Let’s move some weight quickly. This is a 40 second work / 20 second recovery for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest in between
- Battle Rope
- KB Goblet Squat
- Release Push-ups
- Atlas Stone Shoulder Passes
- DB Renegade Rows
- Static Wall Handstand