LIFT 101216
Wednesday, 12Oct16
Warm-up – 3 rounds of
40 seconds each of…
- 100m Run
- Staggered Stance Air Squats
- Skater
- Kneeling Hip Stretch
- Pigeon Stretch
- Push-up to Toe Tap
3 minute “Burpee AMRAP Challenge”
Partner Up / 20 minute limit / 10 minutes on each exercise
Encourage, push & motivate each other as you workout. Move quickly along as soon as your partner finishes you immediately go on to your set and so on…Heavy
- BB Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5…..
- BB Romanian Dead-lifts 5-5-5-5-5…..
This is a 25 second work with a 15 second recovery 4 rounds no rest
- Battle Ropes
- Blue Box Dynamic Squats
- Lateral Jump Over Plates (35 or 45 plate should be on it’s side)
- 25# Plate Floor to Overhead