HIIT 121616
Friday, 16Dec16
Warm-up: 2rds
- 1 minute Skipping W/Clapp
- 30 seconds Mtn Climber
- 1 minute (20secea) Jumping-Seal-Fling Jacks
- 30 seconds Frog Push-ups
- 1 minute (20secea) Forward-lateral-Rear Lunges
- 30 second Groiners
1:30 Jump Rope
Pre-Game: 7-Mnute AMRAP
- 20 Second Squat Hold
- 10 Squats
- 20 Second Hang & Hold
- 10 Push-ups
- 20 Second Long Plank
- 10 Rev Knee Kips
at the 7 minute mark 11 Burpees
Strength: 5 minutes of BB Squat Cleans ( use dumbells to modify)
* work up to your workout weight
Workout: 4 Rounds for time:
- 5 BB Squat Clean (use dumbells to modify)
- 1min Jump Rope
- 15 Half Burpees
- 20 KB Swings