Group Warm-up

Run the Loop then 30 sec for 2 rounds of the following:

    • Butt Kickers
    • Air Squats
    • Alt. Lateral Lunges
    • Stiff Leg March
    • Groiners w/ T-Stab
    • Arm Circles 

Workout – 22 min AMRAP

    • 5 KB Clean & Press (2 Handed)
    • 10 KB Goblet Alt Rear to Later Lunge (5r/5l)
    • 15 Wall Balls
    • Run 200 meters

Finisher – 

20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 KB Swings

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Push-ups