April 27, 2023

Group Warm-up

  • 400 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 20 Butt Kickers
    • 20 Skaters
    • 20 Air Squats
    • 20 Band Pull A-parts
    • 10 Banded Good Mornings
    • 10 Superman Pulses

KB Complex Pre-Game

Perform 2 reps of each movement on the R then 2 reps on the L. Continue to add 2 reps each round for 8 minutes.

  • 2 SA KB Deadlifts + 2 Thrusters + 2 Lunges (KB racked on the right step back with the left leg.)


10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

    • BB Deadlifts
    • Push-ups
    • Goblet Squat & Curl
    • TRX Reclines
    • Slam Ball
  • 200 m Run every 2 rounds

Extra Credit (3 Rds)

    • 20 KB Around the World (10R/10L)
    • 20 KB Half Kneeling Chops (10/10)
    • 20 Goblet Marches w/ a pause