July 27, 2023

Group Warm-up 

  • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 40 High Knees
    • 30 Butt Kickers
    • 20 Air Squats
  • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 10 PVC Pass Throughs
    • 10 Banded Good Mornings
    • 10 Banded Thrusters
    • 30 sec Pigeon Stretch

Pre-Game (4 Rds)

    • 3 Negative Pull-ups
    • 6 Single Leg Deadlifts (6/6)
    • 200 m Run

Workout Triplets

  • Triplet #1 – 6 Rds
    • 4 Deadlifts
    • 8 KB Figure 8’s
    • 12 Mountain Climbers (R+L=1)
  • 400 m Run between Triplets
  • Triplet #2 – 6 Rds
    • 4 Power Cleans
    • 8 TRX Face-puls
    • 12 Alt V-ups (w/ Med Ball)
  • Goal should be to increase weight each round of deadlifts and power cleans. Let’s get strong!