August 28, 2023

Group Warm-up

    • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 25 Seal Jacks
    • 20 Air Squats
    • 15 Light KB Swings
    • 200 m Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 10 PVC Pass Throughs
    • 10 Hand Release Push-ups
    • 10 Up Dog/ Down Dog

KB Complex Pre-Game (9 min)

    • 3 KB Cleans + 3 KB Racked Lunges + 3 KB OH Press
    • 15 Flutter Kicks (R+L=1)
    • Perform all movements on the R then the L. Continue to add 3 reps each round for 9 minutes.

AMARP Triplets Workout (25 min)

  • Triplet #1
    • 8 Incline Bench Press
    • 8 Incline Rows
    • 16 Mountain Climbers
  • Triple #2 – Goblet Squat 21’s
    • 7 Bottoms Up 1/2 Squat
    • 7 Top Down 1/2 Squat
    • 7 Full Goblet Squats
  • Complete as many rounds of each triplet for 25 min. 200 m Run between each triplet.