ROD 102110
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Thursday, 21Oct10
Tabata Athletic Boxing
A timed 3 minutes at each station with NO REST between stations…. the last 30 seconds “We Say You Do”.
Run, Punch and Jump … a full-body experience that will leave you breathless.
- Bumper push
- M-I-T-T-S
- B-A-G
- Knee Jump Squats
- B-A-G
- Med Ball Sit-ups
- B-A-G
- Lateral Step Overs
- B-A-G
- M-I-T-T-S
- Bear Crawl
“We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.” – Max Depree
These Video’s are cool in the sense they make you think about personal safety.
Origins of SPEAR, TonyBlauer [wmv][mov]
“The Cycle of Behavior: Part 1” with Tony Blauer, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
Blauer High Gear High Contact Demo [wmv][mov]