ROD 122712
Thursday, 27Dec12
For time…
- DB Hang Squat Cleans
- Over-Head-Lunges w/plate r & l=1 (25/45)
Between each set of 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 complete 5 BB deadlifts AF(andsafe)AP
Post times to white board!
It”s time to get back on the fitness wheel. The holidays are over, well we got New Years but does that mean we have to eat ourselves into fatness. Let’s change Fatness to Fitness now. Why wait till the end of the year, why wait till we so disgusted it won’t seem to count anymore. NOW is the time to surrender to what we all deserve to have… Wellness. I expect all of you to encourage a friend to become physically better than they are today and enlist in Next Level.