ROD 010513
Saturday, 05Jan13
WEIGH-IN Saturday (Dress warm we will be running)
40 sec work / 20 sec rest /4 rounds of:
- Bosu push-up w /OH reach
- Jumping Pull-ups
- Walking Wide Lunge Ball Slams
- S/L Ring jumps
- Burpees
- 200m sprints
Starts today January 5th and ends Saturday April 6th.
This year we will have 2 person teams. The team that loses the highest combined body weight percentage will win a FREE entry into the 2013 High Rock Challenge on Saturday April 27, 2013.
Weigh-In dates are: Saturday, January 5th and Monday January 7th.
***You can request a Skinfold test to determine your bodyfat / lean muscle composition. This procedure is performed by Coach Donald & must be done before a workout. Coach Donald is not responsible for the % outcome, should you think your numbers could be lower. There is a 3-5% variable of inaccuracy for the Skinfold test. Below is a typical Bodyfat composition chart as recommended by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). This is done for your own personal knowledge, not for the contest.
Description | Women | Men |
Essential fat | 10–13% | 2–5% |
Athletes | 14–20% | 6–13% |
Fitness | 21–24% | 14–17% |
Average | 25–31% | 18–24% |
Obese | 32%+ | 25%+ |
***Disclaimer: Essential body fat is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions. The percentage of essential body fat for women is greater than that for men, due to the demands of childbearing and other hormonal functions.
1. “HAVE FUN”, Eat healthy and EXERCISE
2. Everyone will use the same scale
3. Overall Percentage of body weight lost will be used to determine the winners
Example: So if your team starts at 400lbs (combined weight) , and the team losses a combined weight 30lbs,Take 30lbs and divide it by the start weight 30/400= .075 then multiple x100 = 7.5%