ROD 040413
Thursday, 04Apr13
Tabata Thursday 6:30 pm
8 rounds of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest at each station
Complete 8 rounds on one staton, take 1 minute rest, then move to the next station
Our message has never changed…….Go full blast at every station for each round, keeping the reps high and consistent throughout.
- DB Renegade Row to Thrusters
- KB Swings
- Sandbag Hang Squat Cleans
- Log Jumps on Steppers
- Spiderman Push-ups
Temple of Doom
Pyramid Reps: 10-15-20-15-10 for time
- KB Swings
- Burpees
- Barbell Deadlifts (men 135#> / women 95#>)
- DB Thrusters
Let’s Do It…