ROD 061515
Monday, 15Jun15
Week Starter
Perform AMRAP for 5 minutes at each circuit resting for 1:30 in between
Circuit A
- 5 Chin/Pull-ups/Rope Pulls (grab rope pull 5x’s)
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Air Squats on DynaBall
Circuit B (kb, same weight)
- 6 Single Arm KB Swing (alt 3r/3l) to Walk-out to Plank Climber
- 9 Single Arm KB Clean & Press (switch@rounds)
- 12 Single Arm KB Racked Squats (switch@rounds)
Circuit C (both dumbbells, same weight)
- 7 DB Renegade Rows (r/l) w/Push-up
- 7 DB Alternating Snatches (ea.side)
- 7 DB High-Pulls
Circuit D
- 5 Ankle Jump Jacks
- 10 Squat Thrusts
- 15 Reverse Crunch w/Kip
- 20 Mtn. Climbers
Posted in Bodyweight, Conditioning, Dumbbell Training, Endurance, Fat Burner, Kettlebell, Muscle Endurance