LIFT 112315

Monday, 22Nov15


Warm-up: 2 Rounds

2-Minutes Jump Rope

50 Jump Taps

40 Mountain Climbers r+l=2

30 Jumping Jacks

20 Alt Lunges r+l=2

10 Deck Squats


Lower Body Strength

  • Deadlift/Shrug Combo 6 sets x 4 reps
  • Kettlebell (Rack Position) Step Ups + Knee Raise 6 sets x 4 reps
  • Triple Hurdle Jumps 6 sets x 4 reps
  • Sled Push 6x’s (endtoend)
  • KB Front Squats 6 sets x 4 reps

Go Heavy and get four tough reps of each movement, rest as needed and repeat for a total of 6 rounds. Follow this formula – “If you perform more than 6 reps the weight is too light – If you perform less than 4 reps the weight is too heavy.” Gauge the weight carefully when finding your 4 rep max safely.