HIIT 112317
Thursday, 23Nov17
Group Warm-up: 2rds
1:30 min Jump Rope, followed by 2rds of the following movements for 30 sec each
- Air Squats
- Forward/Rear Lunge
- PVC Pass Through
- Up/Down Dog
- Hollow Out
Pre-Game: 4-Minute EMOM
Odd: 7 Light Thrusters
Even: 40 sec Plank
8 reps of each, 8 rounds
- Pushups
- Air Squats
- Diamond Situps
- Burpees
- DB Push Press
- Box Jumps
- KB swings
Posted in EMOM, Group Fittness, High Intensity Interval Training, Jump Rope, Kettlebell, Mobility, Warm-up