January 18, 2022

Group Warm-up (3 RDs)

    • 30 Jumping Jacks
    • 25 Air Squats
    • 20 Forward Lunges (10R+10L)
    • 15 Band Pull A-parts
    • 10 Up/Down Dog
    • 5 Walk-outs to a Push-up

Muscle Endurance Pre-Game

12 min Ladder – Add 2 reps each round.

    • 2 DB Renegade Row (No Push-Up)
    • 2 DB Push Press
    • 2 DB Deadlift
    • 2 DB Front Squat
  • Use 1 challenging weight for all movements.


  • Round 1
    • 30 Mt Climbers (R+L=1)
    • 15 DB Clean and Press
    • 5 Burpees
    • 1 minute Jump Rope/Bike/Sk
  • Round 2
    • 30 Mt Climbers (R+L=1)
      12 DB Clean and Press
      5 Burpees
      1 minute Jump Rope/Bike/Ski
  • Round 3
    • 30 Mt Climbers (R+L=1)
      9 DB Clean and Press (Increase Weight)
      5 Burpees
      1 minute Jump Rope/Bike/Ski
  • Round 4
    • 30 Mt Climbers (R+L=1)
      6 DB Clean and Press
      5 Burpees
      1 minute Jump Rope/Bike/Ski
  • Round 5
    • 30 Mt Climbers (R+L=1)
      3 DB Clean and Press
      5 Burpees
      1 minute Jump Rope/Bike/Ski