August 4, 2023

Group Warm-up

    • 200 m Run
    • Skips <—>
    • Butt Kickers <—>
    • 200 m Run
    • Walking Lunges w/ OH Reach <—>
    • Stiff Leg March <—>
    • 200 M Run then 2 rounds of…
    • 10 PVC Pass Through
    • 10 Groiners w/ T-Stab (5/5)
    • 30 sec Pigeon Stretch

EMOM Pre-Game 

    • 70 KB Snatch (35/35)
    • EMOM 4 Burpees at the top of every minute including the 1st minute.

Circuit Workout

35 sec work/ 15 sec rest x 5 rounds

    • Box Jumps
    • Wall Balls
    • Renegade Rows w/ Push-up
    • DB Hang Squat Clean
    • Hanging Knee Raise