ROD 040310
Saturday, 03APR10
Saturday Couplets
20 seconds work/20 seconds work/20 seconds rest x 8 rounds
Run 200 meters then when the last person finishes continue with:
- Jumping pullups/Push-ups
- Squat jumps/Slam ball on knees
- Dumbbell thrusters/ Kettlebell high pulls
Do 20 seconds of work at each movement in each couplet, take 20 seconds rest then move to the next couplet.
Complete all three couplets
Take 1 minute rest between. Do 8 rounds.
If your into some real obstacle challenges then you should try the Run-A-Muck course.
Date: June 19, 2010, 9am
Location: Sebago Beach (Harriman State Park) (DIRECTIONS)
Registration and Course info: Click here
Fee: Teams of 4 $140, Individuals $35
Description: This is the RunAmuck Mud & Music Fests! The Mud Run is a unique and incredible 5K run with terrain and obstacles that can include hills, river crossings, walls, obstacles and MUD PITS. For the 2010 season, we plan on having at least 2X as many obstacles at our events! This is the most fun you can have racing! Race individually, as a doubles team, or as a member of a 4-person team. Choose the Open category with no restrictions on attire and footwear, or the Costumed category, which requires your own zany costume or matching costumes (for doubles and teams).