ROD 011712


Tuesday, 17Jan12


Ready for Anything Training!!!!!

This class is a 1 hour ass kicking circuit that will leave you in a puddle of sweat.

Your cardiorespiratory and muscle strength will benefit from our motivational, challenging and fun circuit training set to energetic music.

Let’s see what you’ve got!!!!


Tabata Tuesday

Tabata these 5 exercises for 20 seconds rest / 10 second rest.  Stay on each station for the complete 8 rounds

  • TRX recline to a finisher
  • Wall Ball shots
  • KB swings
  • Mtn. Climbers
  • Ball slams


Athlete ROD


A timed 30 seconds work / 20 seconds rest for 4 Rounds


  •  Med-ball push-ups
  •  180 Jumps on Stepper
  •  Air squats


Rest two minutes, then…


  •  Suitecase Deadlift Squat Jumps
  •  Mountain Climbers
  •  S/L Donkey kicks 15r/15L