ROD 102413


Thursday, 24Oct13



9:30am &  &7:30 & 8:30pm


Bullish & Bearish  

perform the following couplets in the order below for time: take 1:30 seconds rest between couplets while the clock continues to tick tock.

  • Burpees in ascending order 1-10 & Wall Ball descending order 10-1
  • Deadlifts in ascending order 1-10 & Jump Rope rotations in descending order 100-10












21, 15, 9, 6 reps of

  • BB Clean & Press
  • Recline Rows
  • BB Front Squats
  • KB Figure 8 to a hold 12/16kg
  • BB Push-ups

*Use one of the suggested loads for the BB Clean & Press and BB Front squat

  • 50lbs = short bar + 10lb BP on each side
  • 65lbs = long bar + 10lbs BP on each side
  • 95lbs = long bar + 25lbs BP on each side
  • 115lbs = long bar + 25lbs BP on each side